Thursday, November 24, 2011

Biology Answers for Prelims Exams


For those restudying for re-exam or those who wish to revise this year's work, the Biology Prelim Exam answers may be downloaded from here:

Prelim Exam Answers

Do note that the re-exam will NOT be the same as the prelims!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Full Set of Notes for Revision 2011


Here are the full set of notes for Biology for this year. I did not upload the exercises, but at least you can still study if you lost your notes (like one of you who left the entire set at a coffeeshop....) or if you have blanks still empty.

Many of these have already been uploaded and are posted here earlier on, but some are new. They are all compatible with your iPhone or iPad. I recommend downloading the app "iBooks" and opening these files in iBook. It's easier to read.

Here goes the entire list:

Movement of Substances
Biological Molecules (including enzymes)
Animal Nutrition
Plant Nutrition
Transport in Humans
Transport in Plants
Coordination and Response
Sexual Reproduction in Humans
Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Molecular Genetics
Carbon Cycle
Environmental Biology

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Notes for Biology - Senior Batch

If you are missing any notes this term, you may download the full set of notes (excluding exercises)

Coordination and Response
Human Reproduction
Plant Reproduction Notes

I will be putting up the full notes for the other topics from last year as well. Give me some time as I want to also include all the exercises and tests that we have done.

Please ensure you have the full set of notes!


Notes for PCO (2 yr course) Biology Students


If you are a PCO Biology student (2 yr course) and you are missing some of the notes or exercises, please download them here to ensure you have the latest copy of everything so that you can prepare for your test next week :)

Biological Molecules Notes
This is the master set which includes water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and enzymes.

BIology Exercises
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Biological Molecules Revision Exercise
Enzymes Exercise

Enjoy!!! :)


Friday, July 22, 2011

Notes for PCO(I) - 1 yr Biology

If you are missing any notes this term, you may download the full set of notes (excluding exercises)

Coordination and Response
Human Reproduction
Plant Reproduction Notes

I will be putting up the full notes for the other topics from Term 1 and Term 2 as well. Please ensure you have the full set of notes!


Monday, June 13, 2011

iPad Lesson - The Human Heart

For this week's iPad lesson, please download the following lesson materials prior to your first lecture.
  1. The Heart  - PDF Notes
  2. Heart diagram - PDF file
  3. Heart Revision Exercise
Thanks! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Assessment Criteria for Biology Task 1


This is how you will be graded for your assessment task 1.

Achievement Level
Level Descriptor
You did not complete the assigment
You basically cut and paste information without much understanding and did not cite sources of information
You are able to communicate scientific concepts clearly
You partially document sources of information
You are able to communicate scientific concepts clearly and effectively using multimedia elements on your blog. 
Your report is also fully original.
You fully credit and site sources of information

Biology Assessment Task 1

Hi 2-1 students,

Here is your assessment task 1 for Biology! Basically,
    1. You are to research on the differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
    2. You are to present your report in the form of a blog post on your own blog (create one if you don't already have one)
    3. Your report should contain one or more of the following multimedia elements to help in illustrating the report: pictures, video clips, audio or a combination of any of the above.
    4. Deadline: 18th February 2011
    5. This is an individual project
    6. No direct copying from the web
    7. Information sources need to be cited
    8. Blog Report URL to be emailed to:
by 2359 hours on 18th Feb 2010


    1. You may share a video clip or sound byte with your classmates if EVERYONE is involved in the production of the video clip or sound byte. 
    2. You must state clearly the contribution of each person in the production of the video clip or sound byte.
    3. You may use pictures or video from the web, but again, you must cite sources.
All the best!!!! :)